Thursday, December 26, 2013

DIY Jewelry Hanger

These DIY Jewelry Holder's are really cute and cheap to make! I must give credit to my mom who made a couple of them a little more than a year ago. I thought they would make really cute and thoughtful gifts this holiday season and thus brought them back. I gave Kara the above pictured one for Christmas, and I gave my husband's sister the one below for her birthday. Now I just need to make myself one!


Picture frame (The dollar store and the DI are great places to get these for cheap)
Three knobs or hooks (Hobby Lobby happened to have these on 50% off the week I needed them and they have a HUGE selection)
Fabric of choice
Chicken wire
Wooden board (You could go buy this and have it cut to the exact size you needed. My mom happens to have a ton of scrap wood so I just made do with two pieces I found.)
Paint of choice
Hanging hooks

Staple gun (a hot glue gun will work too)
Wire cutters

Step 1: First I removed the glass and  cardboard back piece from my picture frame (be sure to save the cardboard back piece), the glass will not be needed. Then I roughly painted the frame black. I say roughly because I am going for a vintage feel and thus was not concerned about some of the original frame colors peeking through.

Step 2: I roughly painted my board light blue (the board was originally red as you can see). This will be the color that will show through the actual color of the necklace holder once we sand. You could omit this step and the sanding step, painting your board one solid color if you wish.
Here is the fabric and knobs I chose for this project.
Step 3: Cut out a piece of batting the exact size of the cardboard back we saved from the frame. This batting will give the finished piece a better look and puff out the fabric.
Step 4: Cut fabric out about one inch bigger than the cardboard  backing on all sides. This doesn't have to be exact if you aren't picky on how the back looks (you'll see I wasn't). But it must be large enough to wrap around the edges of the cardboard.
Step 5: Clip all four corners, flip over and glue the edges onto the cardboard back. I just used an Elmer's glue stick for this.
Step 6: Using wire cutters, cut chicken wire the size of the area where the cardboard will go on the back of the frame. You want it just a little larger than this area so you have something to staple it to and it doesn't poke out the front.

Step 7: Using a staple gun, staple the chicken wire to the frame. I feel like you could use a hot glue gun for this step, but I have not tried it with a hot glue gun.
Step 8: Fit your finished fabric covered cardboard piece into the back of the frame and staple all around the edges to secure it.

Front should now look like this.
Step 9: Hot glue your ribbon of choice onto the back. I hot glued it and then threw in a few staple for security.
Step 10: I then went back to my board that I had painted blue and painted it black. Using sand paper, I lightly roughed it up so that some of the light blue would show through for an old look.

Step 11: Using a drill gun, drill three equally spaced holes in your board. ( I forgot to take a picture of this when I did the black one.)
Step 12: At some point around this time you will also need to attach a hanger to the back. I put one hanger in the center of this one I made. However, my mother suggested that two hangers on each end would be much better for keeping it even on the wall when necklaces are hung from it. (My mother is genius when it comes to crafts!)

Step 13: After you have drilled the holes put your knobs through and secure with the bolts they come with. Then you have to saw off the ends that stick out, this might be the biggest problem of making these. You might could avoid this step by using thicker wood, or you might have a better idea for getting those things off!

 And then you have this beautiful end result.


Does it get any better?
